Cloud Computing My Troubles Away- By: James Pynn

Description : It seems we're all really good at avoiding our responsibilities. For some people it's cleaning the garage, trimming the trees, or painting the house. For me, it's filing my bills and personal documents. Whenever I get close to the huge pile of stacked papers and receipts, my mind immediately begins to drift. I just don't have the discipline.

Is it because I'm ashamed of my spending habits? Perhaps. But we're all guilty of dodging things we dread. We tell loved ones we are going to one thing or another, but really, we can't wait to not do it. We always want to become better versions of ourselves, but we all have personal obstacles stopping us dead in our tracks.

I could start with parents. My father, for example, could never get the garage clean. My mother could never find time to exercise. My wife can never find the time to get the dog neutered. Me? I just can't force myself to face my bills. It's not a pretty sight: a whole backlog of student loan notices, followed by a cocktail of bank statements, credit card payments, insurance letters, and so and so forth.

A brand-new filing cabinet -- complete with empty folders -- is waiting in my garage for a dust off. On my desk is a blank check book ledger. have I found the time to populate either one? Sorry. My wife has tried to set a good example by paying her bills online. But, at the root of my problem is not wanting to remind myself of my financial mistakes I've made. Facing the fiasco is never pleasant.

She manages all of her accounts online -- and manages to do it rather efficiently. She doesn't need to download anything -- everything is right there, on the Net. She bandies about the term "cloud computing" to explain how this is all possible. It's something to do with not needing any software anymore -- everything you need is in the so-called cloud. If only I could upload my documents and receipts to cloud and be done with it.

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Author Resource : For any of you intrigued by the notion of cloud computing, there are a number of ways to give it a go. To be sure, if you've got any social media profiles online, you're already engaging in local cloud computing.